The development of defense electronics devices and systems are progressing towards the integration of more functionality and miniaturization. In addition, the harsh/rugged environments in which these electronics are employed pose a challenge to their survivability and reliability. This has directly led to the increased need to optimally manage the thermal dissipation of the electronics at the component, board and chassis level.
The Thermal Management Research Group conducts applied-research in thermal management strategies and advanced cooling solutions for applications ranging from micro-scale electronics devices up to macro scale electronics systems.
The Group aims to devise, implement and integrate novel thermal management techniques and solutions into the electronics device/package/card/systems layout, design and structure so as to upfront engineer and optimize the thermal design and packaging solutions as well as the thermal and operating performance of these electronics.
The Group is also responsible for formulating R&D strategies and directions in the area of thermal management and electronic packaging for TL@NTU as well as the establishing of partnership with researchers within/outside of NTU to enhance TL@NTU capabilities in the above areas, and improved the quality of our research and deliverables.
The Group has built-up analytical, modeling, design and test capabilities in thermal management techniques that are required to support the engineering development of future defense electronics devices and systems. These capabilities include:
(1) Thermal modeling, analysis and characterization capabilities and know-how to investigate thermal issues in Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) devices.
The group conducts detailed 3D thermal modeling and finite element simulation of the devices as well as experimental and characterization studies of packaged devices using imaging techniques before and after the devices are fabricated at Microsystem Technology Development Centre (MTDC). Before device fabrication, designers of GaAs and GaN Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit (MMIC) have a detailed understanding of the thermal characteristics of their devices and can optimize their circuit layout and choose appropriate packaging materials and techniques. After device fabrication and thermal characterization, life of the devices can be predicted more accurately and further thermal management approaches/solutions for the devices can be devised to minimize channel temperature rise and to improve their reliability.
(2) Concurrent thermo-fluids-mechanical design capabilities and know-how for high heat dissipation electronics sub-systems and system which is also ruggedize and compact.
The group has designed, built and tested a closed-loop submerged liquid-jet impingement (SLJI) cooling system that is able to handle heat dissipation exceeding 2 kW from two electronic cards when subjected to harsh operating environments including vibration, shock and high-g loads. The Group also has the capabilities and know-how to custom design and develop air or liquid cooling system, as well as their heat rejection units for compact defense electronics systems. And our collaborator at the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) has extensive experiences in developing Evaporative Spray Cooled Systems for the cooling of high heat flux or high power, temperature sensitive electronic and electro-optical devices.